Thursday 29 July 2010

Utch 29/7/10 1805-2000.

Hey up folks after a day of catchin' up with Birdtrack and scorin' brownie points with Jan I was lookin' forward to a good couple of hours relaxin' birdin'. Oh how wrong can you be??? The night ended up with me and Mol' bein' chased off by the manager who'd turned up on speck for a quick security check. Thankfully when I bumped into him on the way back to the car he didn't seem to realise it was me he'd been after and gave me his number just in case I saw anybody up to no good!!!

He also told me that after a security alert at the quarry the other night at about half eleven, the local bobbies had searched a blokes van who was parked on the access road that runs alongside the A50. Not only was he dressed in full leather gear but the back of his van was full of "exotic" ladies undies and other tools of the trade!!! Needless to say after a good giggle they let the poor sod go without chargin' him/her.

What with the streaker and now a bloke in a gimp suit it might be an idea to start birdin' Utch in twos just to make sure you're safe.

LRP 17, Green Sand' 5, Common Sand' 1.

That's all folks.

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