The likes of messers Young, Cromack and Seal will be havin' sleepless night if they see this little offerin'.
Hopefully by next weekend they'll be at Utch.
That's all folks.
A beautiful fair haired and blue eyed baby boy weighing in at just over 8lb. No name yet but I'll call him Tiger or Champ' anyway. All I need to do now is convince his dad that he'd be better off growin' up a Leeds fan.
Back to the darts now folks.
Green Sand' 1, Snipe 20, Dunlin 1, Curlew 4, White-fronted Goose (feral?), Goosander 1, Wigeon 3, Teal 8, Mipit c30.
If you've read this before you'll know I'm a big dog lover and nothin' winds me up more than the anti-dog brigade. That was one of the reasons I stopped visiting Blithers more often but today one numpty really naffed me off when he let his mut run amok along the edge of the main lagoon. What a nobhead!!!! And if you don't believe me just look at this piccie of said mut running right in front of me!!!
I think this is one mut that could do with a spot of sit and stay owd duck!
While we're on about dogs this might give you a bit of chuckle! Late this afternoon I lobbed our hounds into the boot and set off up to Croxden to take 'em for a stroll. As I was drivin' along I thought they were a bit quiet and when I pulled up I realised why, I'd only gone and left the parcel shelf in hadn't I!!!! So the poor sods had been ridin' along in total darkness and probably wonderin' what the hell was goin' on?
That's all folks.