Yep strange title i know, but that's exactly what somebody asked me as i was tryin' to find somewhere for a sneaky pee in the Elan Valley while we waited for the doors to open at Gigrin Farm, where there's been a juv' Black Kite(Milvus migrans) among the hundreds of Red's(kites, not united fans) for a couple of weeks now. I'm sorry, but i'm not in the habit of travellin' 250 miles along narrow country lanes, riddled with terrified sheep to look for something i can see quite easily round home!!! I can only assume this chap was a fully paid up member of the STROKER CLAN!

The kite was a lifer for my mate Mad Malc' so with him unable to sleep we were on the road just after seven. A quick foray into the outskirts of the potteries to pick up The Nobster and we were back on route for 0720. The early start meant we were in sheep country for around 1030. The zoo didn't open 'til one so we decided to have a tootle round the picturesque Elan Valley. Stunning scenery but very few birds. The only birds of note were a single kite, 3 Ravens and an adult Peregrine.
While we were parked up i managed to get onto a couple of extras from Last Of The Summer Wine dressed as birders! One of 'em does bare an uncanny resemblance to Stoke Citys Tony Pullis.

Finally openin' time arrived and we parked up with several kites already millin' around overhead. As soon as we got out of the motor we had to dive for cover as one of the WMBC's Chapter of The Asbo's, Steve "The Snapper" Richards roared into the carpark with Mrs Snapper lookin' a Whiter Shade Of Pale. A few deep breaths later and Snapper had calmed down so we all strolled up to the "mound" which overlooks the feedin' area. After a couple of minutes The Snappers headed off to have a look around, it doesn't take long at Gigrin.
Almost as soon as they had gone, i got onto the Black Kite as it circled over the feedin' site with several Red Kites. As i got onto the bird i yelled out "kites here"!! What a wally, there was loads of 'em, but only one black un. Within seconds we were surrounded by several other mid's birders includin' top mid's lister Julian Allen havin' a day off from his mid's listin' attempt and Master Blogger and Top Asbo, Archie Archer. Readin Archies blog i'd no idea how painfully shy he is. Nice to see ya pal. I hate hides as well owd duck.
After the first show, the kite disappeared for around an hour before reappearin and performin' superbly in front of the assembled throng. Cripplin' views of a bostin' bird. When Malc' had decided he'd had enough we headed back to the car where we bumped into Mr and Mrs Snapper again. They'd planned to finish the day at nearby Tregaron Bog(marsh not toilet) but hunger had got the better of them and the promise of a carvery was all to much for Mrs Snapper and she bundled young Steven into the car. As he fell into the car he kept muttering about gettin' plenty of meat. Hope you had a nice meal folks.

If you've never been to Gigrin it's well worth the four quid entrance fee. The sheer spectacle of so many kites, ravens and buzzards all swarmin' around the feedin' area is incredible.
Needless to say it will be toasted in the traditional fashion.
That's all folks.