The highlight of this mornin's visit to Utch was a Tawny Owl calling near the Dipper bridge! Sad I know but apart from the juv' we found a couple of years ago it's only my second record of a T'owl at Utch.
A summer plumaged Little Grebe on the River Tean pit was new in.
Still two Yellow Wag's on the islands but no sign of any White Wag's. At least thirty Mpipits were feedin' in fields near the dove.
A Bar-headed Goose was a new addition to the growin' list of escapees from nearby Rocester when it flew in with a Mute Swan. Or perhaps it really is wild, who knows? Early on there were just two Goosander present but by the time I'd walked along the river another thirty three had sneaked in while me back was turned. With this many present into April it makes you wonder just how many will stay to breed locally?
A single Ringed Plover was my ninth Utch year tick of the weekend, putting me back on course for another crack at the Utch 120 club title. Highlight among the waders today though was at least 20 Spoon-billed Sandpipers feeding along the north shore!

Tawny Owl 1, Yellow Wag' 2, Mpipit c30, Little Grebe 1, Ringy 1, Spoon-billed Sand' c20, Snipe 4, Curlew 1, Oyst' 3, Goosander 35, Teal 2.
And finally on a non bird related note I had a text from a top local birder and blogger on Thursday tellin' me that he was in Wolvo at a Chas and Dave gig!!!!! Now I know the lad is old before his time but bloody hell Chas and Dave? Mind you I'd better not say to much I'm off to the LG Arena in September to see a small blonde songstress with enormous lungs, ooooooooh errrr!!! Only I could book tickets for Iron Maiden and Dolly Parton at the same time.
That's all folks.
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