Hey up folks, well that's it for another twelve months. Tomorrow's a New year and that means a new note book(volume 31 i think) and the start of another years birdin' both locally and every now and then a bit further afield.
I managed to finish the year off with yet another site tick today, a male Ruddy Duck! Once a common sight at nearby Blithers in winter but now increasingly rare since the powers that be decided to blast every last one out of the water! Also present today were the imm' male Scaup, 19 Goosander, 1 Pintail and a single Green Sand'(Birdwatch Mag's Target Bird).
Birdin' highlights over the last twelve months have included five British Ticks:
Glaucous-winged Gull
Collared Fly'
Red-flanked Bluetail, 2 in a week after twenty years!
Brown Shrike
Gyr Falcon
Local highlights although many, haven't quite been on the same scale but include:
Meally Redpoll and Gropper@ work
Red Kite, Marsh Harrier and AVOCET @ Poxey
White-fronted and Dark-bellied Brent Geese @ Hales Hall
RB Merg, 2 Wood Sand's, 2 Barwits and 15 Blackwits, 2 Med Gulls, 2 Garganey, Bewicks Swan, Scaup and Ruddy Duck @ Utch.
And the rock n roll highlight as to be Kris Robertson, lead singer with Black Stone Cherry joining Nickelback on stage to raise the roof with a mind blowin' version of HIGHWAY TO HELL!!!!!
Absolute crippler! I lost me voice in one song, brilliant!!
Have a good un folks.